Animals Wiki
Giant Anteater

The Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) can live wherever there are large ant nests or termite mounds in abundance. They use their powerful claws to rip the colonies apart, then it can use their sticky tongue to lick up the insects and their eggs and larvae. A single giant anteater can eat over 30,000 ants or termites in one day.

Despite being a powerful digger, an anteater pair shelters in a thicket, not a burrow, because of their awkward shape. They spend most of their time alone searching for food, with their long nose close to the ground. While on the move, they curl their forelimbs under their strange body, so that they are actually walking on the back of their forefeet and their claws do not hinder them.

Females often come into contact with one another, but a male can keep their distance. Breeding can take place all year.


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